How I am making 6.17% return with a savings account?
When I moved to the US, I started off banking with the Bank of America as it was one of the biggest banks in the country and most of my friends use it as their primary financial institution.
Things were great in the beginning and Bank of America has a lot of great credit cards with some good welcome offers. A few months later I was looking for an auto loan and I reached out to Bank of America and had to go through a lengthy process just to be rejected by mail even though I had a good credit score (730+). On the other hand, there was this lesser known financial institution that was so easy to work with, genuinely cared about me and my financial well-being, and gave me a great interest rate for my auto loan.
Once I joined this new financial institution, I learned of their savings account product that paid 6.17% annual interest rate for the first $1000 that you deposit. That is $61 that you get just for keeping your money in a savings account which helps you to move money around easily without affecting the return. This is way more than any other bank that I have seen in the US. Although, do note that the $1000 limit is a bummer but it is still great for people who are just starting to save. Even if you are an avid saver, this is a great opportunity to make some more money without any effort and start a relationship with an institution that can open up so many possibilities in the future with their other products (credit cards, auto loans, student loans, etc)
The financial institution is Digital Federal Credit Union (DCU) and by far the best financial institution that I have worked with — I have worked with 10+ entities so far in my life — you can get in touch with an agent really quickly, they are always kind and helpful, and will ensure you are happy doing business with the credit union.
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